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Sports Rules

It is important to note that the development of each child's attitude and their ability to work with their teammates, coaches, and opponents will be among the main focus for our phys-ed group. Displaying attitudes and actions that are pleasing to God will head the list! Behavior issues will be discussed with the parents to find a solution, repeated serious behavior issues may lead to removal from the program.

The following standard of behavior is expected from ALL staff, parents and students at PHEA SPORTS events:

  • The displaying of respect for the authority of parents, teachers and staff as well as respect for fellow classmates and their belongings.
  • This is a private facility and ask all participants & adults to be respectful of the private building that we are using.
  • Using all facilities responsibly and adhering to the church rules along with appropriate dress and language is expected from arrival to departure of every PHEA Sports activity.
  • Swearing, physical conflicts, threats, stealing, overt defiance or possession of any weapons will be taken very seriously.

Proper attire is essential for comfort and safety reasons. The following are requirements for participating in the gym program.

All Levels

⇒Non-marking, clean indoor running shoes.

⇒ Athletic/comfortable clothing that is easy to move in. Crew neck T-shirts, tank tops(wide strap), leggings, sweat pants, track pants and mid length/athletic shorts are all welcome. Denim isn't a great clothing choice for sports.

⇒No jewelry that could injure yourself or others.

⇒Long hair tied back


 Bring a water bottle to your class. Coaches may ask students to bring/wear specific equipment for some classes, emails will be sent out with needed information.


Only kids registered in the class are allowed in the gym, parents are free to quietly watch. Parents are responsible to supervise their children while they wait for classes to start. Please be respectful of others in attendance and bring along some quiet activies to keep your children entertained before/after their scheduled class. There is a space for parents and siblings to socalize while the gym classes are in session. 

All participants/parents/guardians entering the facility must remove shoes at the door. This is a church rule.

Sports coordinator and coaches reserve the right to move your child to another level depending on their skill level.

Photo Policy: Photos may be taken at PHEA events. I agree that photos of myself and my children may be used on this secure website, and in advertising if names are not attached to photos. Any articles, artwork, or photos submitted to PHEA become the property of PHEA for use in newsletters and the secure website. I agree not to take any photos or articles from the secure website and use them outside of this website. While I may post photos on this website (www.phea.ca) without permission, I will not to take photos of PHEA members or their children and publish them outside of this website unless I have the permission of those who can be identified in my photos.

We welcome positive feedback and constructive criticism. If you have ideas or concerns please do not spread discontent among other parents, but pray over your concerns and contact the Sports Director if needed. When observing a concern regarding a student’s behavior we encourage you to limit discussion to the parents of that child, the coach and the Sports Director. We hope that your children will enjoy the program, and more importantly, grow in character, through this year’s PHEA Sports’ program.